あー。高い航空券買っちゃった。 Omg.... I bought an expensive flight tickets....



休みだし旅行に行こうと考え、来週からLençóisなんちゃらという場所に行って、そのあと友達に会いにfortaleza へ!その後はアマゾンにも行く予定です!

そのFortaleza の往復チケットをインターネットで買ったんですが約500へアイスという数字を見て即計算。500×30=15000円とかなり安め!速攻買いました。支払いの確認メールが届いたので、一応気になりインターネット上で自分の銀行の残高を見たところ、なぜか53000円ほど引かれてました。


っておおおいいいい!バカだ俺笑 もう安かったから買ったのに、高いのかよ。キレそうでした。自分に。キャンセルしようとしましたが、部屋金はしてくれないとしっかりと書かれていたので、もう行くっきゃない!そんなこんなで、今4日間ほぼ家で過ごしてるニート土田、元気にしてます。頑張ります!

Hi guys! I'm Koichi. I got a Portuguese name which is " Gustavo ". Cool, isn't it!?

The country where I am is Brazil which is totally freezing.... I didn't expect Brazil can be so cold.... I heard that Japan is already hot! So jealous... The season is opposite as well as the location of the countries! 

Next months winter vacation will begin and I'll travel to north cities of Brazil! I'm so excited and they are really hot places so that I can run away from the freezing weather here! 
I'm gonna share some pics of my trip later here! 

Ok, then I bought the flight tickets to Fortaleza the other day online and I found really low-price ones which was 500 reais. According to the  calculation, it would cost around 15000 yen and I thought they were cheap so I immediately took them and paid, right after that I received a confirmation email. I checked the balance of my bank account just in case then 53000 yen were taken out!!!!! Ok, that's not correct. I called a bank officer to ask what's going on. After a little conversation, I realized that all of the price on that web page are written with American dollars...... Wtf..... 500 dollars is almost equal to 50000 yen.... They were correct, and I was wrong.... Damn it.... I got to know tickets are nonrefundable....

Make sure the price when you buy something expensive.....